
This site was developed as a proof-of-concept with the aim of addressing the need for improved access to Eyak language and culture resources. This site and its contents are still undergoing review by the Eyak community, and the presence of this site and its contents should not be interpreted as evidence of community endorsement. For this reason all reasons should be understood to be be "Non-Verified" unless otherwise indicated. If inappropriate content is detected, please notify the site administrator.

This site provides resources developed and gathered by the NSF-funded project, Completion of Eyak Grammar, Dictionary and Texts, under the direction of Dr. Michael Krauss and Gary Holton. The site makes use of the Mukurtu Content Management System (CMS), which implements cultural protocols to ensure that digital cultural heritage items are shared in a culturally-responsible way. The Mukurtu CMS is participatory. Users may comment on existing content, add new content, and add cultural narratives. For more infomration contact info [at] eyak [dot] org.

Some of the materials on this site are publicly available, while others require that you first register and log in. Registering is easy: just follow this link and request to join the Eyak Community. Access to certain digital heritage items may require additional privelages. Contact the administrator for more information. 

For more information on using Mukurtu see the Mukurtu Support Page

Additional resources can be found at eyakpeople.com, as well as at the Alaska Native Language Archive.



Funding for this site provided by National Science Foundation grant OPP-1642783 and Institute of Museum and Library Services grant LG-70-16-0054-16.

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